all or nothing #3 - are u back to school?
table of contents 2.words 3.missed connections 4.horoscope 5.listen
+the critique of pure reason by isis davis-marks+
Are you ready to be transported to another realm? A world with vibrant colors, precious fabrics, and ethereal figures? Well step into All Street’s East Village location to see The Critique of Pure Reason by Isis Davis-Marks. The exhibition features Davis-Marks’ masterful ability to create multidimensional artworks that truly animate the cozy white box gallery. Come through to expand your mind and get lifted to another artistic level. The Critique of Pure Reason will be on view until Sunday, September 17th, with a reception on Thursday, September 14th, at 77 E 3rd St.
+resurrect by lucas lovejoy+
There’s a whole lotta blue but not just “blue” blue, we’re talking about all the blues. Baby blue. Royal Blue. Navy blue. Midnight blue. Cobalt. Sapphire. Azure. And so on and so forth. But there isn’t only color but action and drama and conflict and resolution and resurrection.
On September 10th, the artist, Lucas Lovejoy, opened his solo exhibition, Resurrect, at All Street’s Chinatown gallery. The exhibition features various large scale paintings and a surprise appearance by Horatio. The work will be up until Friday, September 15th, so definitely make the journey to 119 Hester Street and immerse yourself in the blue world of Lucas Lovejoy and Horatio.
»looking forward
+tuesday talks (9.12)+
Tim Sarmiento, the multitalented director and writer, will be blessing the Tuesday Talks community tonight with a screening and discussion about his work and career in the arts. Sarmiento did extensive work on Desus & Mero, which instantly makes him New York royalty, so you won't want to miss out. Even if you’re feeling too shy to participate in the conversation, you can just pull up, sip on a Yerba (shout out our TT sponsor), cool out and watch some short films from a certified bodega hive legend. Everyone will just be chilling and taking it easy, no pressure, but if you don’t got any plans might as well come through to 119 Hester Street at 7pm tonight!
+by all means: figure drawing+
We do a lot of art-looking out here so we’ve been saying lets get into some art-making! Together! Set that calendar event to repeat, Tuesday is your night of creative self care & socializing at 119 Hester Street. Join us not tomorrow but September 19th at 8pm for our very first (lightly) guided figure drawing session with All Street friend, poet, and spectacular model violet. Prior experience not necessary, potentially even frowned upon. Bring your body (clothed), and whatever art supplies you want beyond graphite and newsprint (we will provide). Drinks will be available, and it will be delightful.
+bedroom announcement+
Curator and artist Will Wilson will be transforming All Street Gallery’s 77 E 3rd St location into a multipurpose venue of creativity, performance, art and free thinking. The experimental solo exhibition titled Bedroom invites the public into a physical manifestation of Will Wilson’s artistic practice and the creative network he’s built out under his endeavors as Balloonapuddin. The experience will be on view from September 20th - 23rd.
+billie allen solo exhibition+
The incarcerated artist, Billie Allen, who’s currently on death row for a crime he did not commit will be coming back to All Street Gallery for a solo exhibition co-curated by the All Street Team and the actor and writer Gbenga Akinnagbe. The exhibition will be on view from September 25th through October 4th at All Street’s 119 Hester Street location. To learn more about Billie and his campaign visit:
+school by leah kramer+
I miss back to school shopping And those first few lunch periods When you and your friends Would talk about who got hot Over the summer Sometimes when people ask me To go out to a bar I have to tell them no Because I'm still recovering From middle school
+the convert by benjamin cannicott shavitz+
Uh, Professor, I don't get it, Why do people choose to read that? Does it just not fit my taste?" She said, "If you really let it, This will sway you. You'll concede that This has moved your very soul." So I dug and mined each sentence, But I simply couldn't strike it, Strike the value that I chased. But, in class, in deep repentance, I was told just why I like it, Word for word, and now I'm whole.
+bell rings by casper+
they watch the clock biting nails as sweat drops ears plugged as the teacher talks out the door, we are ready to walk my feet are fidgeting unable to stop ears screeching at the scratching chalk as the seconds continue to endlessly tock and then with a bang the bell finally goes off!
missed connections
+resurrect opening+
You: had eyes bluer than Horatio’s soul
Me: wading helplessly through your optical ocean
Our eyes met one too many times over the course of the night for it to be a coincidence. I should have said something but I didn’t and now I’m left wondering what could have been.
+tuesday talks (8.29)+
You: Sitting in the second to last row
Me: Came in late and squeezed into the back row
I was captivated by your presence before I ever saw your face. From the moment I sat down, I couldn’t stop staring at the back of your head. I had to leave early so I never got the chance to see what you look like. Even if I had, though, it wouldn’t matter, because I have already seen the beauty of your soul.
+a walk in the park closing+
You: a flower in a paper garden
Me: a recreational botanist
When that paper leaf floated down from the heavens and landed atop your head, I knew I was in love. The way the flimsy green foliage accentuated the fiery autumn hues in your hazel eyes was a divine vision that must have been crafted by mother Gaia herself. Perhaps as these last days of summer dwindle away, one evening our paths will cross again and we’ll take a leisurely stroll through a daffodil patch under the stars.
+upon return closing+
You: lonely
Me: also lonely but feeling a little less lonely since meeting you
Upon further reflection I’ve decided not to fight it,
I tried it and pretended not to be excited
But you opened my eyes and let the light in.
An apple a day may keep the doctor away, but if you bring your teacher an apple on the first day, everyone’s going to hate you, so do you want friends or an easy A?
Reading is like going to the gym for your brain and you must never skip leg day.
To cure your first day jitters, go to school one day before school officially starts. They may not let you in the building, but you can still scope out the area and get a feel for the terrain. Then your first day will really be your second day and you’ll have no reason to worry.
Go to the nearest library. Pick up the first book that catches your eye. Read the first page then put it down. Then every year, come back to that same library and find that same book. Read the next page. Repeat that process every year. One day you might finish the book but you also might not and that’s ok because sometimes it’s about the process and not the destination.
Don’t ask questions. Answer them.
One degree? Shame on me. Two degrees? Shame on you. Three degrees? That’s still pretty cold.
If you never go back to school, then summer never needs to end. But once you graduate, can’t graduate again.
Friends aren’t born. They’re made. So get to work.
If no one is talking to you, then just talk to yourself. That’s all that thinking really is anyway. You have one thought that prompts another thought that leads to another thought. Normalize externalizing your internal monologue and then you’ll never be alone.
If everyone thinks you’re the problem it’s probably true, but remember this: if problems didn’t exist, neither would solutions.
Don’t do your raccoon impression in public. No one will think it’s funny. Your parents are lying to you.
Even if you don’t know the answer, you must raise your hand. Every time. Persistence is the true measure of wisdom.